Congratulations on staging your home for sale!
With staging complete, the showings begin. It’s important to maintain the staged look throughout the time on market. Be prepared for showings on short notice and have a plan for quick removal of children and pets.
If your staging needs a quick refresh, please give us a call.
Prior to showings and open houses, run through this checklist to make sure your property shows it’s best.
Pick up in front yard - toys, garbage cans, gardening supplies, and other items
Make sure yard is mowed and tidy and the front entryway is clean and swept
Open the blinds and turn on the lights
Put relaxing music on
Remove pets and all of their accessories - including bowls, beds, and toys
Pick up pet waste and deodorize
Floors - vacuumed or swept
Dust house, clean mirrors, glass, and windows
Make all beds and pick up everything in all bedrooms
Put away personal items in every room, including bathrooms
Put dirty and clean laundry away
Kitchen - put away small appliances, clean and clear counters, put away dirty dishes
Bathrooms – clean counters, put toilet seats down, hang clean white towels
Empty all wastebaskets
Avoid cooking foods with lingering odors
Do a quick sniff test - spray air freshener as needed – keep in mind subtle, clean scents are best
Remove all vehicles from garage, driveway, and front of house
Following these tips will help to sell your home faster!