When developing the marketing strategy for a listing, there are many factors to consider. Staging can be a critical component of your marketing to help your property sell faster and for more money. Discuss these questions with your agent to determine if staging makes sense for your listing.
Why am I selling?
Am I mentally and emotionally ready to sell this property (how motivated are you)?
How does my listing look compared to other listings?
Does my home look like a model home like buyers expect?
What are my monthly expenses while my property is listed?
How long has my property been listed?
How long am I willing to stay on the market?
How much is each price reduction?
How much equity am I willing to loose through price reductions and monthly expenses?
What am I willing to do or invest to sell this property faster?
It’s always best to stage before you list, but if your property is sitting on the market without an offer, it’s not too late to take another look at the pros of staging.
Remember the investment in staging is usually less than the first price reduction.